SEATTLE, September 25, 2017 – We are pleased to announce the final release of Ergo Suite version 1.2 (Solon) today.

“The most advanced explanations capability in the entire industry of AI is in the latest Ergo 1.2 release from Coherent Knowledge.   Real not just an aspiration and concept!  It shows deep reasoning as a navigable proof tree, rendered in natural language.  Check it out,” says Benjamin Grosof,  Principal Director and Research Fellow, Artificial Intelligence, at Accenture and co-founder and board member at Coherent Knowledge (speaking his own view, not on behalf of Accenture nor Coherent Knowledge).

New features and enhancements include:

  • Programmatic explanation API
  • ErgoText, a feature of Ergo that enables one to do knowledge entry using controlled English-like sentences. Designed for subject matter experts.
  • New and updated connectors to external sources including for SQL, SPARQL API, OWL/RDF import, JSON import and export, XML import import
  • New debugging tools, including runtime monitoring, termination analysis, bottleneck analysis and more.
  • Automatic integrity maintenance and automatic alerts.
  • Ergo mode for eMacs

For more details, see the release notes.

Updated manuals  and tutorials for both the Ergo Suite Reasoner and Ergo Suite Packages can be found on the Ergo Documentation page.

Try Ergo 1.2 free with a 90 day trial license.